Balancing the failures...

Adveta Kandwal
3 min readApr 12, 2022

It’s honestly a failure you see in yourself that probably gives you the highest acceleration in life. And so it’s not only the success that determines your success but the failures that positively accelerate your functioning and give you a positive result.

Hello everyone, I am back with another blog in which I would be jotting down the failures (not failures basically but drawbacks that I faced on a day-to-day basis).

A failure can not only be as big as you might imagine but also as small as what you may think of.

A baby learning, “how to stand”

So, yeah from facing a fear of turning my video on, to a fear of speaking in a conversation. Well, from being the one who didn’t have a laptop and even being a slow learner. From literally not being able to manage my time to messing up tasks many a time. That’s exactly what defines me in brief.

Learning Git made me feel trapped in a pit, but solving python on exercism was like an exorcism. From understanding HTML with fun to trying to apprehend CSS and being completely done, to moving forward with a feeling of blankness for JS, and making some projects like survey forms to feed the nerves. Well, not just this much but making something creative like workflows on wireframe, and high-level architecture and the database schemas well that’s what my two months sound like.

“Trying to stand”…but can’t balance

Balancing is an art, and only a few are artists.

But many among us may manage, but many times the no. of plates you manage and do not balance, usually either makes you the clown or breaks everything from the hands of the clown.

So, yeah, I am dancing like a clown and literally breaking the plates. I think for the last two weeks Akhilesh has been in the habit of listening to a ‘no’ from me, on the question, “Have you completed this task?”. And it is specifically because picking up everything at once doesn’t mean that the things are done. And that’s what I did till now.

Being slow really landed me into trouble while working on whimsical and database schema. And being zoned-out landed me into troubles like again doing the whole task. And being not able to manage my tasks and time literally landed me into piled up tasks.

“Trying to balance”

The one thing I learned from these mistakes is that “You cannot balance everything at once”. You have to start slowly with consistency and focus. So this is one of my goals for this particular month. Being able to balance the failures and working upon them one by one consistently and positively with a much more focus in the soul and dare in the eyes, that yes I will.

So, that’s it for this blog.

I hope you enjoyed reading.

Thank you for lending thy worthy time for reading this one.

And have a great week ahead.

