The Problem- The stepping stones

Adveta Kandwal
2 min readAug 13, 2022

The Problem- The stepping stones

Hello, my dear readers,

A very good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. I hope you all are having a great time. So, I am back again with another blog. It is the multiple numbers of wonderful memories that matter, not the number of days. Which spawned fresh experiences, which in turn led to numerous everyday learnings. This, once more astonishingly, caused the emergence of fresh issues.

So sure, here I am discussing problems and problem-solving. Problems serve as stepping stones for growth and learning.

Unfortunately, problems have no such dimensions or limits. So, let me explain the problems which I face on a day-to-day basis.

It’s nearly the weekend…

Oh! These many tasks are still pending!

One of the most common problems which I faced is that the tasks are pending and the time is very less.

I remember what Akhilesh shares with us every time, “These are not daily tasks but weekly tasks. Just divide your week with tasks and time and do them respectively.”. All I try is to follow this statement.

Though I am continuously repeating this similar kind of mistake of not finishing the tasks in the beginning and piling up them for the weekend, but I will be soon correcting that mistake too.

The Blog…

Woh! Definitely writing blogs is fun but in my case many times the expression is missing as it takes a lot of time and focuses on writing, and even while editing or looking for images actually takes a lot of time. Which indeed left me with a number of blogs pending. But fortunately, as I said, I am working on them.


Problems are always on their way, it's always for us to decide on how to face them.

As, Tony Robbins once said, “Problems are the gifts that make us dig out and figure out who we are, what we’re made for, and what we’re responsible to give back to life.”

Happy weekend!

