Time management- An art we need to be an artist of…

Adveta Kandwal
4 min readAug 14, 2022

Well, so here you are back again to read a blog. You have chosen these few minutes for reading, well, that’s what time management means. To know what to do, when to do it, and consume how much time of your day on that particular task.

So hello everyone, I hope you are doing great. I am back again with my weekly blog and I will be talking about how I manage my time. I am a first-year engineering student and a hosteler, and I am also a part of this Women In Tech program. Time management- An art we need to be an artist of…

Well, so here you are back again to read a blog. You have chosen these few minutes for reading, well, that’s what time management means. To know what to do, when to do it, and plan how much time of your day on that particular task.

So hello everyone, I hope you are doing great. I am back again with my weekly blog and here will be talking about how I manage my time. I am a first-year engineering student and a hosteler, and I am also a part of this Women In Tech program.

The graphic above shows the tasks that need to be finished by the end of the 12th week as we are given different tasks on a weekly basis.


Now managing everything at once is not an easy task at all as all we have is 24 hours in a day. Now you must be wondering like 24 hours how can that be less, well yeah, out of those, my 7 hours would probably be college and another 7 hours sleeping. Now all I do is manage the 10 hours in which I have to finish tasks, assignments, and study.

Management is an art and very few are artists. Yeah that’s very true, and not just management but being consistent in that management and improving day by day. Now I don’t have a that hard and strict rule. But yes being a slow learner I do give 2–3 hours to the fellowship every Monday to Friday and for the off days, I plan according to the work I have in my hand pending.


Generally, on Fridays and Saturdays, I plan my day with the help of a checklist to have a rough idea of the number of pending tasks I am left with. It helps me to manage my day accordingly and plan my tasks and divide them much more smartly.

For example:- I had some blogs pending. And now all I did is made a checklist scheduled with the timeline for writing each and posting as soon as I can. Even if sometimes my weekly tasks pile up on Saturday, so all I do is the same and try my level best to complete them as soon as possible.

I am not an Artist for sure (in this case)(as for now)

I am not an artist in this case for sure as for now. But I am making sure that this won’t be the final picture of me growing up. I am surely working on this. So reading this week’s tasks, I have divided the tasks into two halves, firstly understanding the concept and secondly applying the understanding of the concept. And providing myself with a time limit for the tasks.

Time management is crucial since it helps us choose our priorities. It is essential to regulate that because time often passes us by without our awareness. Whenever I complete my tasks on schedule, I feel fantastic because the sense of accomplishment is unlike any other experience.

Shaivya once guided us to use Eisenhower’s matrix, which really helped me a lot.

Thank you for lending thy worthy time to read this. Extremely obliged!

Have a great week ahead!

